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Facebook Marketing for Insurance Agencies

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Facebook remains one of the largest social media channels, Facebook’s targeting abilities and large audience potential make it easy to reach a lot of people with a targeted strategy on a low budget. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of Facebook marketing and how you can leverage it to grow your audience and effectively engage with your followers. 

Setting the Right Goals 

Before getting started with Facebook marketing, it’s important to make sure you have the right goals in mind. Think about Facebook marketing as an awareness-building tool. Goals include increasing impressions, followers, and engagement.  

Consider including links to your Facebook page on your website and in email marketing to encourage existing customers to follow you.  

Once you have a more established audience on Facebook, you can start tracking clicks to your website when you include links in posts. Post a variety of links to different pages on your website to see what information is the most interesting to your audience.  

Setting Up Your Profile 

When setting up your Facebook profile, it is important to make sure your business information is up to date. Many people turn to Facebook to find contact details, so make sure your profile includes a professional profile photo featuring your logo, a visually appealing header photo, and other important information, such as your address, phone number, and website. A complete profile helps establish credibility and makes it easier for potential customers to connect with you. 

Content Strategy: What to Post  

Remember, your Facebook audience doesn’t want to see sales pitches. To keep them engaged, share valuable content such as insurance FAQs, tips for future planning, and safety guidelines. You might also consider seasonal topics related to your community including blizzard safety, back-to-school driving tips, or hurricane preparation.  

Strive for consistency in your posting schedule and aim for at least 1-2 posts per week. Consistency is often more important than frequency, so if you can’t post often, try to do it on the same day each week.  

Don’t hesitate to humanize your brand by showcasing your team, highlighting community events, and sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses. Photos and videos are highly engaging formats that can help you tell your brand story effectively. If you are a member of the Big “I”, you can download a large library of social media posts from Trusted Choice to help get you started.  

Boost Engagement on Facebook 

To foster engagement on Facebook, actively involve your audience. Ask thought-provoking questions in your posts to encourage users to share their opinions and experiences. Be responsive by promptly answering questions and showing appreciation by “liking” comments on your posts. Building a genuine connection with your audience will enhance trust and loyalty toward your brand. 

Harnessing the Power of Reviews 

Just like on Google, Facebook also offers a review feature that can significantly impact your reputation. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews to help your Facebook page show up for people who search for insurance or an independent agent on the Facebook platform.  

Boosted Posts: Giving Your Content a Boost 

Boosting posts is a distinct feature that sets it apart from traditional ads on Facebook. Boosting a post will amplify the reach of your organic content, giving it a visibility boost. Investing as little as $10-$20 to boost a post for 5-7 days can help extend its reach and engagement. Focus on boosting posts that are already performing well organically or are relevant to seasonal promotions. This will maximize the impact of your investment. When you boost a post, you will be able to set audience parameters, such as location and age, to make sure you are reaching your target audience.   

Facebook marketing remains a powerful tool for businesses to expand their audience and foster meaningful connections. By setting up a compelling profile, sharing valuable content, utilizing customer reviews and strategically boosting posts, you can harness the true potential of Facebook marketing. Embrace the opportunities that this platform offers and watch your business thrive in the digital realm. 

Kelley Smith
Director of Traffic Generation at Trusted Choice